Try adding links in the comment below
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js'/> <script> $('.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]').replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());}); </script>
Add it just before the </body> tag in the Edit HTML . In case you have already included the jQuery library , then add the code starting from Line 2 onwards.
If you want to completely remove the links from the comments , then use this code instead
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js'/> <script> $('.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]').hide()); </script>
This works for the Threaded Comments in Blogger , incase you want to make it work for the old Comments in Blogger , then the code is as follows
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js'/> <script> $('.comment-body p a[rel$=nofollow]').replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());}); </script>
Hope this helps you in curbing the spam in your comment section and feel free to share this simple trick with your friends
it no work
It works for me:)Thanks a lot!
Test Stylifyyourblog
WOW ! Nice tweak.
Many times, I found people embedding there links in comments. it will really do a lot of help.
Thanks for Sharing !
More Blog Tools
It's working... But, I can affect the loading of website?
It can affect the loading of the website?
If not, I install this in my site..
Thank's a LOT prayag!!!... you solve my headache.. :)
Reply to Jack Owen:
it works, but you must knowing the comments section's class of DIV element on your template.
at first, this code didn't work, because the class of my div element. but when i change the code to $('.comment-block p a[rel$=nofollow]').replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());}); according to the class of div element on my template.
[sorry for my bad english :)]
Hi Jay
I checked your blog , it is already using jQuery library so it will not slow down your blog , you will just have to include the code from Line 2 onwards
Hi Jack
Here by links I meant clickable links , I suppose there was a misinterpretation of the meaning , sorry for causing the confusion . The reason why hiding or removing non-clickable links is not useful is because they have no real SEO value attached to them. Whereby clickable links even when they are of no-follow nature , the Search Engine does keep track of them - even if they are not counted in the overall SERPs . With the volatile nature of Google algorithms - it is always good to be on the precautionary side
Hi Ismaïl
I am sorry for causing the confusion , but by links I meant clickable links .
As you can see in the comment just above yours , the Stylifyyourblog part is a real link (You can View the Source to confirm that fact) and it been converted to simple Text
Thank you Prayag for replying my comments. I used this.. This is helpful in spam comments...
<a href="http://www.ohotech.com/>ohotech</a>
hey dude why your blog is not so smooth while scrolling ?
Nice Trick. Worked like a charm. Thanks Prayag.
It will help to prevent spammers like Jay Ryan Macabato who almost spam on every blog :/
Just Testing...
also testing
yes I agree with you.He also spammed on mybloggertricks and many great sites.
Jay dont spam again.
brilliant tips,,thanks for making this..you can
Automatically add URL Resources On Copied Articles
Thanks for this share...!!!
goggle link
It is working correctly :)
Awesome job
Your Pc Genie
Smart way to prevent spams. well done.
If I used this hacks, thus Google penalize my site by using this code?
Because it used to hide the links.
Not functioning in my blog... Please help...
Awesome ;) Thank You For The Post ....
Regards :
thanks been looking for this ... trying if successful.
Yes, i have been facing this comment problem. Thanks for flagging it.
I will try it. Thanks for the trick it is very helpful in span comments.
haha, but if you can still post this, you are maybe no longer linking to spammy sites, but you still have spam comments, which look ugly
yah for sure your post is really helpfull for me.
Its Worked like a charm for me. I am using it on my blog.
Google Adsense MBL Approval Trick 2013
Google Adsense MBL Approval Trick 2013:
wonderful post, i like it, i hope more post in thread comment for blogger. good job
Testing--My Site here still has comment links
Really Awesome Post
Really Awesome Post
Testing Link :-> Www.Etechentertainment.blogspot.com