Video Tutorial
Steps by Step Guide
1. Go to https://intensedebate.com/home and either Sign Up if you are new or Login if you already have a account.
2. Once logged in you will be in the Dashboard , Here in the Menu above , select Sites option and then select Add blog/site option
3. Now enter the URL of your blog and proceed further
4. Here you will be asked to upload the template of your blog. To do so you will need Go to Template tab in your blog , there in the Upper Right corner you will see a Backup/Restore option , in it there will be option to download the template . Now coming back to the IntenseDebate site , upload the downloaded copy and proceed further
5. Now you will be presented with the code which you have to put inplace of the current template . To do that go to Templates > Edit HTML and then paste all code their and Save
6. This will install IntenseDebate Comments and you will start seeing them inplace of the default commenting system
To checkout the various options available , in the Dashboard ,select your blog's name from the Sites Dropdown Menu
Comments Settings
It contains all the options related to type of login that you allow , like the Facebook login , Twitter login ,etc . Also there are options for enabling Subscribing to the comments , threaded comments , voting on each comments , etc.
This contains options for changing the Thumbnail size of pictures and basic styling of the Reply button
This is one of the biggest reason why people shift to Intense Debate . It allows installing custom plugins in the Commenting system itself. The most used one is the Comment Luv plugin . Other plugins like ReTweet button for each comment and PollDaddy polls are also available.
Enabling it on Mobile Device
After installing IntenseDebate I witnessed that the Mobile version of the blog still showed the Blogger commenting system . To overcome this I came with a simple solution. Go to Template > Click the Gears Icon under the Mobile View of the Blog and in the template select the Custom option . This is will enable IntenseDebate on mobile devices as well
Mobile Demo
Hope this tutorial helps you in installing Intense Debate on Blogger , If you are using a highly customized template then these steps might fail to work , In that case I would be glad to help you setting it up on your blog .
I also implement it on my blog thanx for the share
Thanks for the valuable info, Prayag!
Do you mean to say that installing this plugin will enable the comments on Facebook and other social networking sites also to appear on the blog?
I am sorry if I sound too stupid (I do not do it intentionally, of course but I cant seem to help it as well!!)
I am a freelance writer with no technical background and I set up my blog recently. Am always on the lookout for tips to improve my blog and blogging skills. Will you please reply?
Hi again Ambika
Here FB and Twitter Login doesn't mean that comments from Facebook and other social network will appear on the blog. It means that people with accounts on these social network will be able to comment on your blog without needing to have a Google account (Which is a requirement for Blogger comments ). In simple words ,they will be able to use their social network accounts for commenting on your blog
Disqus has Comment syc between Blogger and Disqus.Once we remove Disqus all comment will available on Blogger comments.IntenseDebate lack this feature but it has Commentluv , you will get more comments than Disqus because of Dofollow
Hi Sibin
I am looking for that functionality for a long time ( Blogger - Disqus Sync). Is there any tutorial for that , Please share a link here
You said that right , due to the CommentLuv , there is more chances of getting comments on IntenseDebate
Thank you so much for this tutorial Prayag... I implemented it already... But just like SIBIN XAVIER said, the only thing ID lacks is Sync between Blogger's Existing comments and the ID Comments... If they work on it, im sure ID will be used everywhere... Now i plan to change to Disqus because of the lack of feature... Thanks anyway for this tutorial... As usual it is best for beginners...
Hi Em Ji Madhu
It is one of the plus points that Disqus has the Sync option but I suggest to refrain from migrating from one comment system to another as Google is now able to index Comments from Disqus , ID and others . So removing comment will only lead to bad effects on the SERPS as technically you are removing content from a page
yes nice sharing....thanks
Disqus and intensedebate Awesome Commenting Tools thanks for give this tutorial :)
Thank you so much again Prayag... Just tell me now, First i installed Disqus and i got 1000 of comments... But i mistakenly changed to ID now, Just a blind hope... So tell me, can i implement disqus again or stick with ID... Thanks in advance...
I suggest you should switch back to Disqus . It will have dual benefits , firstly there will be no SERP lose as mentioned above and visitors will not think your blog is a ghost town
interesting, but does it really work...and is it really worth it, or is it like the rest of these blog sites?
Nice tuts Prayag
Pryag..Please guide me if there is any effect on blog with a better service like disqus which have high PR and traffic ranking then Intense Debate.
How will i select a service??
Hi Zareen
There will be no effect on your blog in any way , by choosing either Disqus or Intense Debate. Their rankings and PR are only effective in their site and no Search engines prefers any one of them over the other .
Choosing a service is wholly dependent on you , it should be according to your needs.
Thanks for your response :)
Have One Question: Will it delete my previous comments on blogger comment system
No , all the comments in the Blogger system will still be there and you can easily switch back anytime
wow! it seems to really helpful.i have to try it in one of my sites! thanks for sharing
I am satisfied with your blog. Your post is dear. Thanks for sharing your precious comprehension with me.
I really like the Way you expressed!! :)
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Why you don't install intense debate on you blog? :)
Thank you. I've been looking for a way to show Intensedebate on mobiles. The problem I've had is that when someone comments with the Blogger system from their phone is that Intensedebate will then not show up on that post anymore at all. Now it's perfect. hank you again.
I love intensedebate and now i can install on blogger :)
this is really a nice article about intensedebate installation. id is not only good for blogger but i would select the same system for wordpress.
thanks man
Thank you for resolving the mobile view issues for me!
Nice Post.............
And How To install if i am using a custom domain in blogger? Should i use primary .blogspot address or the domain address??
I've been using Intensedebate for a few months and used the custom mobile setting and it worked just fine. Last week I noticed that when I try to read one of my blogposts on my phone, it goes to the next post when I start scrolling instead of going to the end of the post. This doesn't happen with the other mobile themes, only the custom setting. DO you have any idea why this might happen? Thank you.
Thanks for the easy to follow tutorial. I have installed it in my blog. Thank you again.
hello, can you help me out!
when some comments on my blog, I can check comments only in intensedebate account.
It won't appear in my blogger panel, why so?
how to make it to appear in blogger dashboard, pls help me!!
It won't appear on your blogger dashboard, because it's not a blogger service.
Hello Prayag I Have Done Whatever Steps You Have Saad In The Tutorial But Nothing Happened Please Tell Me What Is Happening
My Blog Is This-->http://pcgameloverzz.blogspot.com/
I checked your blog Himanchal , the IntenseDebate Comments are showing correctly in your blog. Are you facing any other problems ?
Hi Prayag, Thanks for this wonderful tutorial. I have a few queries and hoping that you will help me.
- I have checked (login via facebook) but it doesnt appear.
- It asks to comment as intense debate or wordpress (doesnt give the option of google, openid).
- Just curious why is it you have not installed this or may be gone back to blogger style?
Pls let me know. Thanks,Preethi
helpful article