Fonts are a integral part of a website. With industry wide adoption of @font-face ,WebFonts are the biggest thing today. From paid to free ones, nearly ever site has one.This is a showcase of 20 awesome fonts from Google's WebFont gallery. They are absolutely free to use and also easy to integrate into blogs/websites.
1. Amaranath
2. Arvo
3. Bangers
4. Chewy
5. Coming Soon
7. Damion
8. Droid Serif
9. Kreon
10. Leckerli One
11. Lobster
12. Mate SC
13. Nobile
14. Nova Slim
15. Nunito
16. Open Sans
17. Oswald
18. Pacifico
19. Salsa
20. Volkhov
Any amazing font that I missed ? Feel free to share them in the comments
Prayag Verma
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
20 awesome WebFonts
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Wow, I love the Salsa font, too cute.
Nice fonts. Are these fonts compatible in all browsers?
Yes in all major browsers including IE
How to use them in blogger??
Just embed any font you like, after the <head> tag,
Like for example if you like the Salsa font,then go to Google Webfonts and get the following code:
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
After that in between the b:skin tags,add the following CSS
If you want all text to be this font then add
.body {font-family:Salsa !important;}
If you want like only H2 tag then add
h2 {font-family:Salsa !important;}
similarly you can apply it to different elements....
This thing actually deserves a post..
will write one ,just wait a day or two....
Great tip, thanks always looking for fonts to do things on my own blogs.
Some of the fonts are great, thanks :)
COooooooooooooool collection
If you use official blogger templates then these fonts are provided already in the template designer!
where i download it?
As you use Stylify Template, you can go to the Template Designer and under the Advanced option select the specific font
forgot droid sans!
Thanks for the suggestion , will include it in the next compilation
I think Pinterest uses Lobster lol . Also 'Asap' and 'Play' are good fonts. Asap has a very low effect on PS too. Nice list...
Thanks dude, it's awesome :D
Thanks! The post is really useful. I'll try to use the fonts in my blog.
Nice font collections. thank you. am using Droid serif in my site: