See Demo

Add it into your Blog
1. Go to and fill in the necessary details and Click on Create my group button.
2. Then you will be asked to Add people to the group.
3. Now you change appearance and various other things by going to the Settings menu.
4. Now comes the embedding part , paste the following code into a Static Page
<iframe id="forum_embed"
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("forum_embed").src =
Change the forum-name (Line 11) to the name you gave while creating it.
Check out the following Website for In-depth Review of Google Groups.
See Demo
Google groups seem to be not popular. I don't use it much often because there are a lot of spammers.
here my forum
your script different with in your demo script?
@Beben Koben
Thanks for pointing out ,rectified it
How to make like your and how to hide all widgets from that page..plz help me
@Shaik Hadi
Go to Edit HTML of the Blog of domain ,and add this before </head>
.blog-pager,.footer, .post-footer, .feed-links, .sidebar,.fauxcolumn-right-outer,.column-right-outer { display:none !important;}
.main-inner .columns {padding-right:0 !important;}
Nice information to style a blog
@Prayag Verma
Thank you Prayag but one question is remaining, you not commented about that. how can i set domain,, plz tel me
@Shaik Hadi
you will have to add a subdomain (a CNAME record )in the DNS management of your main domain, (present at the site u bought the site from)
something same when u redirected the site to your blog
This is awesome! Thank you so much for this. You just saved me a bunch of money on web hosting.
I love your blog, lots of great information for those of us with blogs on Blogger. I had a couple groups on Google but my big problem with the groups is that people were posting a lot of adult content. It got way out of control and I had it set to everyone not for over 18. I had to report so many people it got crazy. The last thing I wanted is somebody underage to view my group and see dirty pictures!
@Prayag Vermanice:)
Good article! Keep it up!
Hehe, the post took quite a while to read but it sure worth it
THANKS! :D Much appreciate it.
Thanks a lot, This was really helpful
Very use full post for Blogger users.
as well as love your blog template,
can i have this one? i shall be very very thanks full to you and happy if you can give me this beautiful template please.
love your blog's social icons as well as thanks for this useful post.